
Directed by Julien Séri
With Éric Cantona, Arié Elmaleh, Marilyn Lima, Myriam Boyer, Célia Lebrument and Helena Noguerra

Season 1
Julien Seri

Written by
Episode 1 and 2: Deborah Hadjedj-Jarmon, Bruno Lecigne, Florian Spitzer
Episode 3: White Bigot & Florian Spitzer
Episode 4: Cécile Berger & Florian Spitzer
Writing direction: Florian Spitzer


Eric Cantona, Arié Elmaleh, Marilyn Lima, Myriam Boyer, Célia Lebrument and Helena Noguerra


International sales
Federation Studios

With the participation of the CNC. With the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Charente Department and the Dordogne Departmental Council, in partnership with the CNC. With the participation of SG Image Développement 2021.